Usually when people hit a wall, it's a block of creative flow. But I seem to have hit this point where so many things are seeming possible, and appealing, in creative ventures across the spectrum. Art, music, animation, video, writing, acting, voice over. These are things that my biggest inspirations are all known for in some way or another.
I've hit a point where I have so many ideas, I don't know where to start.
That being said, I just needed to write these few words down to kick myself in the ass and make something. And I don't really have a super chill place to put run-on thoughts like this. Newgrounds seems like a cool place to put them. I don't have a large following on here, but everyone who follows me here is someone I don't know IRL. Most of the people that interact with me on Twitter are people who I talk to personally with all the time, so my public persona, the things I say publicly, are usually not picked up by them because I tend to just tell them this stuff before I post it.
However, on Newgrounds, I'm basically talking to 22 (currently) strangers. Maybe one, or none of you will read this, but just know I'm feeling inspired. Inspired enough to fucking publish something (this post lmao)
Anyway, go get inspired. I'll use the last leg of this post to say that I love seeing people be creative. If you just happen to see this, I want you to send me something you made that you're proud of. Let's build a community of talent, guys.
Love yall!
Also, anyone know the early signs of schizophrenia? I keep having auditory hallucinations but I'm pretty sure it's just because I'm baked. Not sure tho. LMK.
UPDATE: my brain feels fine now, i think i was just baked and anxious, but also im looking into anxiety meds. hopefully i get somewhere with that!
I second this! Love to see all the creative energy going on around here.
Also auditory hallucinations might be a problem, try not being baked for a week and see how that goes.
Thanks so much! Seriously, you are a huge inspiration, as well as a lot of the NG legends. Thanks for responding. It means so much.
Fuck man, I forgot I even threw that part in at the end lol. Not trying to go too deep into it but since last night, I've started talking to a doctor about that stuff so hopefully it helps!